Leo Magan ‘Daily Success Habit’ Award Winners

I like this article today about new year resolutions. As the author said, often resolutions do not work because people aim for a complete ‘overhaul’ and try to change everything.

The game-changer perspective is that long term success depends on successful habits, and habits take time.

Many successful people find that it is far better to focus on one change at a time, with research indicating 4-6 weeks being sufficient for it to become a habit, or- part of you.
As the saying goes,take the time to shape your habits, and you’ll be rewarded by the habit shaping you.

As a speech and language therapist helping children with communication issues, I know that one goal parents would like for their children is to have self-esteem or confidence.

It’s not just about confidence in speaking up as in ‘public speaking’ in front of the class.

Being willing to sit down with a book even if you have reading difficulties, not getting intimidated when confronted with a mass of words when tackling a word problem in Maths etc- these all take some degree of self-belief in order to persist.

So, here’s a gift for your child in the new year: encourage him or her to acknowledge their success and achievements. Have a success journal where s/he himself can write or draw their achievement:

“I learnt…” “I did …” “I felt really good that I …” “I didn’t …and… instead”

Remember if this is a new habit it will feel awkward and difficult, like riding a bike for the first time. Be patient and be supportive.

Please share your thoughts. Share your successes! How is the process of adopting this new habit? How has it helped your child?